🌟 to use your Soul Gifts in service

🌟 to continue to learn, expand, and grow 

🌟 to uncover more and more layers of your Gifts and who you really are

Many entrepreneurs start out with this fire and eagerness, but somewhere along the way they disconnect from their inner compass and start to feel stuck or plateaued. (Think back on the excitement you first felt towards your business & offers!)

You can be energetically and emotionally blocked by unhealed trauma, a distorted mindset, open spiritual lessons, the fear of diving into your gifts, and from not trusting your intuitive Soul Nudges.

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Has the personal and spiritual growth stopped? Are you over it or overwhelmed? 

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Have you fallen out of love and alignment with your content, branding, or offerings?

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Has the business growth stopped? Are your socials stuck in the same spot for months at a time? Do you feel invisible online or stress about filling your programs and schedule?

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Has the income plateaued? Have you boxed yourself into the same numbers over and over?

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Do you know there is more to your dreams and are ready to unlock your next level?

Starseeds, Lightworkers, and Awakening Souls go through many shifts along their path. Many dark nights, cocoon phases, rebirths, and revelations! πŸ›πŸ¦‹

It’s no wonder people outgrow their current business models! As you evolve, it is vital that you take your business with you! You are the business, so every energetic shift must be infused into your business as well, or you will create dissonance.

A business is a living, breathing, extension of you. 

πŸ‘‰πŸΌ If a person can have an Awakening, A BUSINESS CAN HAVE AN AWAKENING! As it should!

πŸ’«My specialty is aligning Soul’s to their Highest Self Frequency and their businesses into their Highest Business Timeline. These frequencies carry the codes of your Mission, your Divine Gifts, and the truth of All that you are.

πŸ’«This powerful coding can then be infused throughout your branding, messaging, programs, and each layer of your business. 🍰


Starseed CEO Is For The Entrepreneur Who Is…

πŸš€ Ready to amplify their Sacred Gifts and step into their Highest Business Timeline

πŸš€ Ready to own their voice, their power, and stop holding themselves back

πŸš€ Ready for a timeline leap both personally and professionally with Radical Realignment

πŸš€ Ready to come fully out of the spiritual closet in their business and attract their Soulmate clients

πŸš€ An action taker who’s ready to invest in their future

AND πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌ

πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ Seeking a Business Energetic & Strategy Coach who is also a Quantum Healer, Energy Activator, Psychic Channeler, Spiritual Teacher, and Ascension Specialist (that’s me πŸ™‹πŸ»‍♀️ ahem… why have a boring 3D business coach when you can have a 5D psychic one?? 😌)

🚨 DISCLAIMER my work is very potent, I’ve been coined the Moldavite Priestess because of the intense shifts my clients experience. This is for someone that can hold a high level of Activation and is ready for quick Energetic Shifts.

If you are a highly ambitious entrepreneur, who has started their earth mission, is ready to take massive action, and desires a high level mentorship to accelerate their journey…


Included In

This 1 Month Program:

$1500 (payment plans available upon request)

  • Biweekly Divine Business Guidance Calls (channeling, activation, healing, coaching, strategy & more!)

  • Mon-Thurs Voxer Support (unlimited voice messaging access

  • Intuitively Chosen Healing & Alignment Video Recordings (exclusive content to deepen the work)

  • Loyalty discounts into other programs