Where human life and Soul path collide.

Starseeds all around the world are struggling to make sense of their circumstances, the intense feelings they carry around of being awakened, having an inner light, brimming with power & purpose - never seem to match their outward reality.

You know you are from the stars, and continue reaching for that cosmic connection to guide you - but there’s always more questions than answers, and the magick fizzles out too quickly, dropping you right back into the harsh realities of everyday life.

You also know you are here to have a true, authentic human experience, and you’re trying to honour that - while simultaneously being frustrated, let down, and trapped by relationships, jobs, and situations that don’t meet your standards, and it feels like roadblock after roadblock.

Starseed, there are invisible chains pinning you down at this very moment.

  • Akashic Trauma from other lifetimes has been haunting your Soul and blocking your Gifts.
  • Ancestral Patterns have been so deeply woven into your DNA that you can’t discern your own limitations from your great grandmother’s.
  • Soul Lesson Loops have you circling around the same struggles, attracting the same people and issues until you feel crazy.
  • Karmic Marks keep diverting your good because you haven’t closed the chapter or cleared the charged emotions attached. 

It's time to break the chains.

Inside this mentorship, we will clear the invisible chains holding you back from your full potential - so you can bring your Starseed Template & Star Nations Alliance online, stepping into your Soul Gifts and Earth Mission.

  • Awakened Starseeds determined to catapult into the highest levels of their Earth Mission & Purpose.
  • Spiritual Entrepreneurs craving Soul deep transformation, so they can elevate not only their personal lives, but rebirth their offer suite, messaging, and client connections with newfound confidence and clarity in exactly what their Spiritual Specialty, Cosmic Niche, and Soul Gifts are.

YOU have a Star Nations Alliance.

Your Star Nations Alliance is a part of your Galactic Heritage. 

It answers the questions; 

Who are you here to be an Ambassador of? 

What Higher Dimensional frequency are you here to anchor in?

What personal ties and connections do you have to that realm?

What Gifts do you carry within to carry out this purpose?

How can you best bring those Gifts forward in service?

  • Working with your Ancestors in the Astral Realms to identify the Generational Trauma that has been programming you to follow in their footsteps, and clearing the harmful stories from boxing you into a smaller version of you - so that you can heal backwards in time, while stepping forward into a more expansive and successful future where your biggest dreams become your reality.
  • Decoding your Soul Contracts to reveal the active Soul Lessons that have locked you into a pattern of events built to continue to create the same issues over and over - so you can master the lessons and finally graduate to your next exciting cycle of growth.
  • Opening the Akashic Records to the lifetimes that hold the keys to your Quantum Healing, Soul Gifts, and Personal Magick - so you can remember who you really are, reactivate your power, and evolve back to wholeness.
  • Reconnecting with your Starseed Template built for this timeline, to activate the characteristics, traits, Gifts, Mission, and the Higher Dimensional Guides waiting to lead you to your destiny - so you can transform into the New Earth Leader you are destined to be and unlock the next level of your Earth Mission.
  • Activating Your Star Nations Alliance so you can connect to the exact Beings, dimensions, and realms that you are here to act as an Ambassador for, and learn about the Gifts, frequencies, personal ties, and stories that are a part of this Sacred Alliance.
  • Calling in your Divine Partner Agreements to gain precious information about the where, when, and who is meant to walk this path with you. Strengthening the Divine Partnerships already in place with a deeper look at your Akashic Love Story.
  • Building a solid plan for your future goals, like buying a house, starting a business, creating a family, finding your Soul Tribe, and more. Channeling the next steps to take straight from your Highest Human Self - so you can fold time and leap years ahead with the cheat sheet to your life.
  • Carrying Source Light into your Shadows, so you can illuminate the shadow work, ego traps, inner child wounds, and past life trauma that needs to purge - so you can make space for the Divine Miracles waiting to bless your life.
Crack the CHEAT CODES of Your Reality
  • Weekly mentorship sessions via Zoom (60min), lifetime access to replays. (1 month mentorship = 4 sessions total; 2 month = 8 sessions).
  • Video trainings, healings, activations, and resources to support the work we do and take the transformation even deeper.
  • The sessions may include Divine Channeling, Quantum Healing, DNA Activations, Soul Retrievals, Timeline Re-coding, System Upgrades, whatever is coming up for you specifically.


1-Month Mentorship

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2-Month Mentorship

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